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The Christian God is real


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  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    No entity or being created humanity. We are the product of evolution, a scientifically-proven process that changes organisms over time. If you want actual proof of this, of which there is an abundance, here you go:

    What? Are you serious @Arguer or you just want to argue? (noticed I made a funny right there, .. want to argue)

    Me: Yes, that is the point of the account name. This is not a website where we all agree with each other, it is a website where we argue, hence the name. 

    The first one is: "What bacteria can tell us about human evolution"? Are you serious? Has any Evo-scientist observed a bacteria turning into anything other than a bacteria, let alone turn into a human, .. LOL.

    Me: No, that's not how evolution works! We haven't seen a bacteria turn into a new creature because it takes an extremely long time for such an occurrence to happen. I find the fact that we see evolution in bacteria amazing in itself and evidence in itself of evolution, but next comes paleontology and the fossil record, which shows how organisms have changed over the last billion years. Here, if you want some more exciting evolutionary evidence, here you go:

    Let's see what you have here next:
    - When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 158 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt.

    From paleontology? They mean Peleoartist's no? All Paleontologists do is dig up graves and steal peoples loved one's skull and bones, and only God knows what they do with it. I heard they drink blood out of the skulls, who knows what Satanist do with all them skull & bones they rob from graves? But now Peleoartist, that I can see because they're the ones who actually do the speciating. From skulls to the New Species!

    Me: Yes, skulls to new species! People have been able to learn a lot from even a few bones. That is a recreation based on multiple factors, and is likely very accurate.

     Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy from this a Peleoartist evolves this Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy

    Genetics? They play with genes and mess up our fruits and vegetables to last years, and taste like plastic which gives us cancer

    Me: You realize that not all GMOs are bad, right, and that the ones that "give you cancer" are simply engineered to look good so they can sell more? The people who sell the "bad GMOs" don't really care about the consequences, they just want the produce to look good to make a good buck. Also, GMOs extend past plants, and they, for the most part, work. It isn't just toying with some science we don't understand. I don't know if you're little creationist brain can process this stuff, so I'm trying to simplify it for you. 

    Zoology? You heard of Ota Benga and the "Human Zoo Experiments" These guys can't even tell the difference between an gorilla and a human. They should all be arrested.

    Me: Zoology is an accurate science that shows a correct classification of animals. How else do you differentiate species? Yeah, about Ota Benga, humans do terrible things to each other, including blowing each other up with incredibly dangerous weapons. I wouldn't say putting a human in a zoo is the worst thing we've done. If you're trying to take a blow at the scientific subject by talking about the "human zoo experiment," know that humans A: are a species of animal ourselves; and B. These people did agree to participate in the experiment. Ota Benga, on the other hand, was a kidnapped slave, and was simply put in the zoo because of being a black African tribesman. A subject of racism, not that science is an evil subject created by satanists. That has nothing to do with the fact that zoology is an accurate science. I'm sure that according to you a monkey from South America and a baboon in Africa are the same thing anyway. 

    Ah yes molecular biology, that's where they take two bars of plutonium, one in one hand and the other in the other hand, and they say: "Look ma, we split the atoms" lol. If any of these guys established evolutions truth without reasonable doubt, then they would know where to find one of those mysterious 'Common Ancestors"? So far scientists in either paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology or in any other fields have spotted these elusive creatures that supposedly gave rise to 8 million, not one, not 100 but eight million living species. I mean come on, if they claim to have proven evolution, where is One, just one of these little suckers so we could watch them speciate, then place a tracker on them, and with all them thousands of satellites up in imaginary space, they could track them, and find out where they're all hiding?
    Hey buddy @Erfisflat you think maybe that these billions of common ancestors that Evolutionist cannot find for the life of them, are hiding out in Antarctica? You know, right after they give rise to two new species, they take off to Antarctica? Or maybe Atlantis?

    Me: What if I told you we found the ancient ancestor you speak of? We did. It's a microscopic organism known as a cell. It is the common ancestor of all species found on Earth today. Over time, as in billions of years, that organism changed, became more advanced, diversified, and eventually resulted in the 5 classes of life we know of today, and continued to change to compete with each other and survive the changing climate. I know it might be easier for your simple mind to believe in just one of the many sky-daddies that were created by man over its relatively short existence, and it might be easier to understand that magic sky-daddy who defies all logic made all we know in 6 days, but it doesn't mean its correct. 

    - Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination.

    Me: No, just no. That battle is losing everywhere, except in some of the public imagination.

    May I suggest increasing the fluoride in their water, and heavier chem-trailing? I mean my God, you guys have done just about everything to brainwash us, almost every show there is the Globe, and as soon as an animal come on a TV show, it's all about how they evolved their feet, their teeth over the millions and billions years

    Me: Yeah, that is because they want to kill bacteria in the water we drink, even if it isn't the best way to do so. People put chemicals into everything, and it has nothing to do with brainwashing. 

    Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

    Me: Why? It's because a good number of people out there are so biased to believe that there is an afterlife, humans are special, and their cherished god is real. 

    Why would ANYONE need to be persuaded by that? It is a flawed and poorly supported fantasy, even an infant can tell the difference between animals and humans. 2.5 billion years of evolving and they can't even find One, just one living common ancestor that gave rise to 8 million living species. What have they been doing, looking in the blood of other animals maybe they are hiding in their genes?

    Yeah, a wolf cub can differentiate between its own kind and other species. That's basic instinct to recognize your own species above other species. 

    OK what we have next here?

    - How stuff works

    New research shows that homo sapiens weren't the first folks to decorate their caves with artwork. Neanderthals actually did it thousands of years earlier

    Neanderthals Were Actually Prehistoric Picassos

    Now why would Neanderthals live in dark cave when their cousins are right outside living in the fresh air, under some nice bushes!? What, for protection? I thought they had bigger brains than the gorillas, and all them other monkeys? Besides their common ancestors have all disappeared.
    And this supposed to convince us of Evolution? Wow, they are desperate.
    Wait a minute, where was this picture taken, what country? Because my older brothers used to go into caves and paint primitive looking pictures and leave some old broken pottery, and when the paleontologist came around, they would lead them into the caves and get some money for it. There should be a bunch of urine stains mixed in with the painting, they did that to give it that rustic look. I am being serious.

    Me: You really are . People lived in caves because they were good shelter. I know that it seems nice to live in your little home and go outside to get some fresh air, but humans and their relatives back then didn't have air conditioning or the change enjoy nature or the pleasures of fresh air because they were too busy fighting deadly predators and gathering food. They focused on survival, not comfort. 

    Next we have: This Amazing Video Shows Bacteria Evolving in Just 10 Days
    Wow, .. from bacteria to, .. umm, .. what are those, .. little lizards? No, it looks like a flee-circus! Hey buddy Erfisflat, what do you make out of that, a flee circus right? In only 10 days too!

    Me: The point is that evolution in bacteria happens all the time, and that it is another piece of evidence that evolution is how we ended up here today, not Mary Sue in the sky. 

    Ah, never mind buddy, this is what evolution they're talking about:
    Researchers have filmed E. coli growing in a giant petri dish laced with antibiotics to show just how easy it is for bacteria become antibiotic resistant.

    Me: That's what evolution is about. Survival. By becoming immune to antibiotics, they are going through evolution to help them survive. The ones that don't build an immunity die. 

    Shoot, .. I was hoping for little monkeys or something, instead, the bacteria turned into .. umm, .. supper bacteria. I have always been asking for a video of speciation, and there it is! Now we're convinced on Evolution right my Creationist friends?

    Me: Wait another few million years, and you'll find monkeys have significantly changed by then. Considering monkey's don't go through a few generations in a few hours, I'd say that's a good estimate.
  • ErfisflatErfisflat 1675 Pts   -   edited July 2018
    Arguer said:
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    No entity or being created humanity. We are the product of evolution, a scientifically-proven process that changes organisms over time. If you want actual proof of this, of which there is an abundance, here you go:

    What? Are you serious @Arguer or you just want to argue? (noticed I made a funny right there, .. want to argue)

    Me: Yes, that is the point of the account name. This is not a website where we all agree with each other, it is a website where we argue, hence the name. 

    The first one is: "What bacteria can tell us about human evolution"? Are you serious? Has any Evo-scientist observed a bacteria turning into anything other than a bacteria, let alone turn into a human, .. LOL.

    Me: No, that's not how evolution works! We haven't seen a bacteria turn into a new creature because it takes an extremely long time for such an occurrence to happen. I find the fact that we see evolution in bacteria amazing in itself and evidence in itself of evolution, but next comes paleontology and the fossil record, which shows how organisms have changed over the last billion years. Here, if you want some more exciting evolutionary evidence, here you go:

    Let's see what you have here next:
    - When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 158 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt.

    From paleontology? They mean Peleoartist's no? All Paleontologists do is dig up graves and steal peoples loved one's skull and bones, and only God knows what they do with it. I heard they drink blood out of the skulls, who knows what Satanist do with all them skull & bones they rob from graves? But now Peleoartist, that I can see because they're the ones who actually do the speciating. From skulls to the New Species!

    Me: Yes, skulls to new species! People have been able to learn a lot from even a few bones. That is a recreation based on multiple factors, and is likely very accurate.

     Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy from this a Peleoartist evolves this Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy

    Genetics? They play with genes and mess up our fruits and vegetables to last years, and taste like plastic which gives us cancer

    Me: You realize that not all GMOs are bad, right, and that the ones that "give you cancer" are simply engineered to look good so they can sell more? The people who sell the "bad GMOs" don't really care about the consequences, they just want the produce to look good to make a good buck. Also, GMOs extend past plants, and they, for the most part, work. It isn't just toying with some science we don't understand. I don't know if you're little creationist brain can process this stuff, so I'm trying to simplify it for you. 

    Zoology? You heard of Ota Benga and the "Human Zoo Experiments" These guys can't even tell the difference between an gorilla and a human. They should all be arrested.

    Me: Zoology is an accurate science that shows a correct classification of animals. How else do you differentiate species? Yeah, about Ota Benga, humans do terrible things to each other, including blowing each other up with incredibly dangerous weapons. I wouldn't say putting a human in a zoo is the worst thing we've done. If you're trying to take a blow at the scientific subject by talking about the "human zoo experiment," know that humans A: are a species of animal ourselves; and B. These people did agree to participate in the experiment. Ota Benga, on the other hand, was a kidnapped slave, and was simply put in the zoo because of being a black African tribesman. A subject of racism, not that science is an evil subject created by satanists. That has nothing to do with the fact that zoology is an accurate science. I'm sure that according to you a monkey from South America and a baboon in Africa are the same thing anyway. 

    Ah yes molecular biology, that's where they take two bars of plutonium, one in one hand and the other in the other hand, and they say: "Look ma, we split the atoms" lol. If any of these guys established evolutions truth without reasonable doubt, then they would know where to find one of those mysterious 'Common Ancestors"? So far scientists in either paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology or in any other fields have spotted these elusive creatures that supposedly gave rise to 8 million, not one, not 100 but eight million living species. I mean come on, if they claim to have proven evolution, where is One, just one of these little suckers so we could watch them speciate, then place a tracker on them, and with all them thousands of satellites up in imaginary space, they could track them, and find out where they're all hiding?
    Hey buddy @Erfisflat you think maybe that these billions of common ancestors that Evolutionist cannot find for the life of them, are hiding out in Antarctica? You know, right after they give rise to two new species, they take off to Antarctica? Or maybe Atlantis?

    Me: What if I told you we found the ancient ancestor you speak of? We did. It's a microscopic organism known as a cell. It is the common ancestor of all species found on Earth today. Over time, as in billions of years, that organism changed, became more advanced, diversified, and eventually resulted in the 5 classes of life we know of today, and continued to change to compete with each other and survive the changing climate. I know it might be easier for your simple mind to believe in just one of the many sky-daddies that were created by man over its relatively short existence, and it might be easier to understand that magic sky-daddy who defies all logic made all we know in 6 days, but it doesn't mean its correct. 

    - Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination.

    Me: No, just no. That battle is losing everywhere, except in some of the public imagination.

    May I suggest increasing the fluoride in their water, and heavier chem-trailing? I mean my God, you guys have done just about everything to brainwash us, almost every show there is the Globe, and as soon as an animal come on a TV show, it's all about how they evolved their feet, their teeth over the millions and billions years

    Me: Yeah, that is because they want to kill bacteria in the water we drink, even if it isn't the best way to do so. People put chemicals into everything, and it has nothing to do with brainwashing. 

    Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

    Me: Why? It's because a good number of people out there are so biased to believe that there is an afterlife, humans are special, and their cherished god is real. 

    Why would ANYONE need to be persuaded by that? It is a flawed and poorly supported fantasy, even an infant can tell the difference between animals and humans. 2.5 billion years of evolving and they can't even find One, just one living common ancestor that gave rise to 8 million living species. What have they been doing, looking in the blood of other animals maybe they are hiding in their genes?

    Yeah, a wolf cub can differentiate between its own kind and other species. That's basic instinct to recognize your own species above other species. 

    OK what we have next here?

    - How stuff works

    New research shows that homo sapiens weren't the first folks to decorate their caves with artwork. Neanderthals actually did it thousands of years earlier

    Neanderthals Were Actually Prehistoric Picassos

    Now why would Neanderthals live in dark cave when their cousins are right outside living in the fresh air, under some nice bushes!? What, for protection? I thought they had bigger brains than the gorillas, and all them other monkeys? Besides their common ancestors have all disappeared.
    And this supposed to convince us of Evolution? Wow, they are desperate.
    Wait a minute, where was this picture taken, what country? Because my older brothers used to go into caves and paint primitive looking pictures and leave some old broken pottery, and when the paleontologist came around, they would lead them into the caves and get some money for it. There should be a bunch of urine stains mixed in with the painting, they did that to give it that rustic look. I am being serious.

    Me: You really are . People lived in caves because they were good shelter. I know that it seems nice to live in your little home and go outside to get some fresh air, but humans and their relatives back then didn't have air conditioning or the change enjoy nature or the pleasures of fresh air because they were too busy fighting deadly predators and gathering food. They focused on survival, not comfort. 

    Next we have: This Amazing Video Shows Bacteria Evolving in Just 10 Days
    Wow, .. from bacteria to, .. umm, .. what are those, .. little lizards? No, it looks like a flee-circus! Hey buddy Erfisflat, what do you make out of that, a flee circus right? In only 10 days too!

    Me: The point is that evolution in bacteria happens all the time, and that it is another piece of evidence that evolution is how we ended up here today, not Mary Sue in the sky. 

    Ah, never mind buddy, this is what evolution they're talking about:
    Researchers have filmed E. coli growing in a giant petri dish laced with antibiotics to show just how easy it is for bacteria become antibiotic resistant.

    Me: That's what evolution is about. Survival. By becoming immune to antibiotics, they are going through evolution to help them survive. The ones that don't build an immunity die. 

    Shoot, .. I was hoping for little monkeys or something, instead, the bacteria turned into .. umm, .. supper bacteria. I have always been asking for a video of speciation, and there it is! Now we're convinced on Evolution right my Creationist friends?

    Me: Wait another few million years, and you'll find monkeys have significantly changed by then. Considering monkey's don't go through a few generations in a few hours, I'd say that's a good estimate.
    Wait, the cell is the missing link? Wow! It was right there all along! Scientists can finally stop searching for that transitional fossil that links humans and apes because @arguer says he solved the mystery of life,  and EVERYONE else was just too "simple minded" to see it! You hear that @vaulk! @with_all_humility @evidence! The debate is over! They couldn't find the fossil for it, simply because it wasn't a fossil! Someone get this guys address and send him the Nobel peace prize!
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    NO, the cell was the missing link between all living things! You wanted to know the common ancestor of all living things, and I told you. It was a cell. Are you so that you would just take something out of context in an attempt to roast me? The missing link between man and other apes has not been found yet. However, we have found our more ape-like ancestors, including Homo Erectus. Erfisflat said:
    Arguer said:
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    No entity or being created humanity. We are the product of evolution, a scientifically-proven process that changes organisms over time. If you want actual proof of this, of which there is an abundance, here you go:

    What? Are you serious @Arguer or you just want to argue? (noticed I made a funny right there, .. want to argue)

    Me: Yes, that is the point of the account name. This is not a website where we all agree with each other, it is a website where we argue, hence the name. 

    The first one is: "What bacteria can tell us about human evolution"? Are you serious? Has any Evo-scientist observed a bacteria turning into anything other than a bacteria, let alone turn into a human, .. LOL.

    Me: No, that's not how evolution works! We haven't seen a bacteria turn into a new creature because it takes an extremely long time for such an occurrence to happen. I find the fact that we see evolution in bacteria amazing in itself and evidence in itself of evolution, but next comes paleontology and the fossil record, which shows how organisms have changed over the last billion years. Here, if you want some more exciting evolutionary evidence, here you go:

    Let's see what you have here next:
    - When Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution through natural selection 158 years ago, the scientists of the day argued over it fiercely, but the massing evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology and other fields gradually established evolution's truth beyond reasonable doubt.

    From paleontology? They mean Peleoartist's no? All Paleontologists do is dig up graves and steal peoples loved one's skull and bones, and only God knows what they do with it. I heard they drink blood out of the skulls, who knows what Satanist do with all them skull & bones they rob from graves? But now Peleoartist, that I can see because they're the ones who actually do the speciating. From skulls to the New Species!

    Me: Yes, skulls to new species! People have been able to learn a lot from even a few bones. That is a recreation based on multiple factors, and is likely very accurate.

     Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy from this a Peleoartist evolves this Image result for pic of common ancestors lucy

    Genetics? They play with genes and mess up our fruits and vegetables to last years, and taste like plastic which gives us cancer

    Me: You realize that not all GMOs are bad, right, and that the ones that "give you cancer" are simply engineered to look good so they can sell more? The people who sell the "bad GMOs" don't really care about the consequences, they just want the produce to look good to make a good buck. Also, GMOs extend past plants, and they, for the most part, work. It isn't just toying with some science we don't understand. I don't know if you're little creationist brain can process this stuff, so I'm trying to simplify it for you. 

    Zoology? You heard of Ota Benga and the "Human Zoo Experiments" These guys can't even tell the difference between an gorilla and a human. They should all be arrested.

    Me: Zoology is an accurate science that shows a correct classification of animals. How else do you differentiate species? Yeah, about Ota Benga, humans do terrible things to each other, including blowing each other up with incredibly dangerous weapons. I wouldn't say putting a human in a zoo is the worst thing we've done. If you're trying to take a blow at the scientific subject by talking about the "human zoo experiment," know that humans A: are a species of animal ourselves; and B. These people did agree to participate in the experiment. Ota Benga, on the other hand, was a kidnapped slave, and was simply put in the zoo because of being a black African tribesman. A subject of racism, not that science is an evil subject created by satanists. That has nothing to do with the fact that zoology is an accurate science. I'm sure that according to you a monkey from South America and a baboon in Africa are the same thing anyway. 

    Ah yes molecular biology, that's where they take two bars of plutonium, one in one hand and the other in the other hand, and they say: "Look ma, we split the atoms" lol. If any of these guys established evolutions truth without reasonable doubt, then they would know where to find one of those mysterious 'Common Ancestors"? So far scientists in either paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology or in any other fields have spotted these elusive creatures that supposedly gave rise to 8 million, not one, not 100 but eight million living species. I mean come on, if they claim to have proven evolution, where is One, just one of these little suckers so we could watch them speciate, then place a tracker on them, and with all them thousands of satellites up in imaginary space, they could track them, and find out where they're all hiding?
    Hey buddy @Erfisflat you think maybe that these billions of common ancestors that Evolutionist cannot find for the life of them, are hiding out in Antarctica? You know, right after they give rise to two new species, they take off to Antarctica? Or maybe Atlantis?

    Me: What if I told you we found the ancient ancestor you speak of? We did. It's a microscopic organism known as a cell. It is the common ancestor of all species found on Earth today. Over time, as in billions of years, that organism changed, became more advanced, diversified, and eventually resulted in the 5 classes of life we know of today, and continued to change to compete with each other and survive the changing climate. I know it might be easier for your simple mind to believe in just one of the many sky-daddies that were created by man over its relatively short existence, and it might be easier to understand that magic sky-daddy who defies all logic made all we know in 6 days, but it doesn't mean its correct. 

    - Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination.

    Me: No, just no. That battle is losing everywhere, except in some of the public imagination.

    May I suggest increasing the fluoride in their water, and heavier chem-trailing? I mean my God, you guys have done just about everything to brainwash us, almost every show there is the Globe, and as soon as an animal come on a TV show, it's all about how they evolved their feet, their teeth over the millions and billions years

    Me: Yeah, that is because they want to kill bacteria in the water we drink, even if it isn't the best way to do so. People put chemicals into everything, and it has nothing to do with brainwashing. 

    Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

    Me: Why? It's because a good number of people out there are so biased to believe that there is an afterlife, humans are special, and their cherished god is real. 

    Why would ANYONE need to be persuaded by that? It is a flawed and poorly supported fantasy, even an infant can tell the difference between animals and humans. 2.5 billion years of evolving and they can't even find One, just one living common ancestor that gave rise to 8 million living species. What have they been doing, looking in the blood of other animals maybe they are hiding in their genes?

    Yeah, a wolf cub can differentiate between its own kind and other species. That's basic instinct to recognize your own species above other species. 

    OK what we have next here?

    - How stuff works

    New research shows that homo sapiens weren't the first folks to decorate their caves with artwork. Neanderthals actually did it thousands of years earlier

    Neanderthals Were Actually Prehistoric Picassos

    Now why would Neanderthals live in dark cave when their cousins are right outside living in the fresh air, under some nice bushes!? What, for protection? I thought they had bigger brains than the gorillas, and all them other monkeys? Besides their common ancestors have all disappeared.
    And this supposed to convince us of Evolution? Wow, they are desperate.
    Wait a minute, where was this picture taken, what country? Because my older brothers used to go into caves and paint primitive looking pictures and leave some old broken pottery, and when the paleontologist came around, they would lead them into the caves and get some money for it. There should be a bunch of urine stains mixed in with the painting, they did that to give it that rustic look. I am being serious.

    Me: You really are . People lived in caves because they were good shelter. I know that it seems nice to live in your little home and go outside to get some fresh air, but humans and their relatives back then didn't have air conditioning or the change enjoy nature or the pleasures of fresh air because they were too busy fighting deadly predators and gathering food. They focused on survival, not comfort. 

    Next we have: This Amazing Video Shows Bacteria Evolving in Just 10 Days
    Wow, .. from bacteria to, .. umm, .. what are those, .. little lizards? No, it looks like a flee-circus! Hey buddy Erfisflat, what do you make out of that, a flee circus right? In only 10 days too!

    Me: The point is that evolution in bacteria happens all the time, and that it is another piece of evidence that evolution is how we ended up here today, not Mary Sue in the sky. 

    Ah, never mind buddy, this is what evolution they're talking about:
    Researchers have filmed E. coli growing in a giant petri dish laced with antibiotics to show just how easy it is for bacteria become antibiotic resistant.

    Me: That's what evolution is about. Survival. By becoming immune to antibiotics, they are going through evolution to help them survive. The ones that don't build an immunity die. 

    Shoot, .. I was hoping for little monkeys or something, instead, the bacteria turned into .. umm, .. supper bacteria. I have always been asking for a video of speciation, and there it is! Now we're convinced on Evolution right my Creationist friends?

    Me: Wait another few million years, and you'll find monkeys have significantly changed by then. Considering monkey's don't go through a few generations in a few hours, I'd say that's a good estimate.
    Wait, the cell is the missing link? Wow! It was right there all along! Scientists can finally stop searching for that transitional fossil that links humans and apes because @arguer says he solved the mystery of life,  and EVERYONE else was just too "simple minded" to see it! You hear that @vaulk! @with_all_humility @evidence! The debate is over! They couldn't find the fossil for it, simply because it wasn't a fossil! Someone get this guys address and send him the Nobel peace prize!

  • ErfisflatErfisflat 1675 Pts   -  
    It's amazing how the mere act of believing in evolution and the big everything from nothing explosion can jack your IQ up so high! @evidence we'd better take note and jump on that bandwagon if we ever want to be accepted as anything but small minded creationists!
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    What makes you is the belief that sky-daddy, despite a huge amount of proof in the opposite direction, created everything and how an old mythology book's word should be taken over the research of hundreds upon hundreds of scientists who have worked hard to try and piece together how we came to be with actual evidence. Find me Noah's ark, find me the Garden of Eden, find me some hardcore evidence that you are right! On the other hand, look at the evidence for evolution. We see evolution in bacteria, evolution in lizards, and this is in a few months. Now, imagine what could happen in millions or billions of years. We have also found countless fossils which all point to a genetic change in organisms being the reason they have changed over time, and how we got to this point in time. We have geologic evidence that shows the true age of the earth, not just what your fantasy book claims.

    You: It's amazing how the mere act of believing in evolution and the big everything from nothing explosion can jack your IQ up so high! @evidence we'd better take note and jump on that bandwagon if we ever want to be accepted as anything but small minded creationists!

  • Mr_BombasticMr_Bombastic 144 Pts   -  
    They are one and the same.
  • ErfisflatErfisflat 1675 Pts   -  
    "What makes you is the belief that sky-daddy, despite a huge amount of proof in the opposite direction, created everything and how an old mythology book's word should be taken over the research of hundreds upon hundreds of scientists who have worked hard to try and piece together how we came to be with actual evidence."

    First of all, in the scientific method, there is no such thing as "proof" for a theory. There is evidence for a theory, but if there were proof, it would be a fact, or a law. If you had proof for the theory of evolution, there would be no argument. You have not empirically observed speciation, nor has anyone. Ever.  It would be like saying "it can rain" or "the surface of water is flat". With that in mind, there are facts that support creationism that you don't seem to know about, but you're in luck! You are in the right place. 

    Secondly, the whole " you're because you believe in a sky daddy" thing is childish, not to mention completely fallacious and shows a complete lack of critical or rational thought. You're assuming you or anyone else knows it all.

    Thirdly, if you're just here to call everyone who disagrees with you and close your mind off to anything other than your religious beliefs that you read in new books of mythology, this is not the place for you. I have empirical evidence of intelligent design for you, if you are genuine, but the nonsensical insults are counterproductive, and any serious adult will not waste their time with the insults. If you're looking for a circle jerk where you can pat other atheists on the back for their ignorance, you may find a group somewhere on reddit. If you're willing to unbiasedly examine evidence that contradicts your belief system, then we can continue the conversation.

    "Find me Noah's ark,"

     Somefind me the Garden of Eden,

    In due time. I wouldn't want your head to explode.

    "find me some hardcore evidence that you are right! "

    There you go, maybe you can figure it out. Here is some more.

    See that? That's a fingerprint. Every being has it's own fingerprint and this particular one is on pretty much everything. That's put rather simply, not hard to figure out. 

    "On the other hand, look at the evidence for evolution. "

    We've seen it all, except for speciation, for which there is currently no evidence for.

    "We see evolution in bacteria, evolution in lizards, and this is in a few months."

    Yes, I'll agree that adaptation is plausible, possibly even a fact. This does nothing for the theory of evolution, which must involve speciation.

    "Now, imagine what could happen in millions or billions of years."

    Sure, throwing a billion years at something makes it more plausible /S. Why is it that people believe anything they hear as long as the phrases "scientists say" and "billions of years" are in the statement?

    In a billion years, if we're still here as a species, and have kept honest and accurate results (because we can never observe a billion years), the lizard will still be a lizard, the bacteria will will be a bacteria, and there's no way you can prove otherwise. The lizard will not turn into a bacteria or the other way around.

    "We have also found countless fossils which all point to a genetic change in organisms being the reason they have changed over time, and how we got to this point in time."

    This is an assertion. Give me one example.

    " We have geologic evidence that shows the true age of the earth, not just what your fantasy book claims." 

    This is what you are told, no doubt, it's what we were all told. Are you going to believe words in books, written by men, as do any religious member of a religious cult? Do you have something empirical to offer as evidence? I do, and it proves you are wrong.
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • ErfisflatErfisflat 1675 Pts   -  
    "What makes you is the belief that sky-daddy, despite a huge amount of proof in the opposite direction, created everything and how an old mythology book's word should be taken over the research of hundreds upon hundreds of scientists who have worked hard to try and piece together how we came to be with actual evidence."

    First of all, in the scientific method, there is no such thing as "proof" for a theory. There is evidence for a theory, but if there were proof, it would be a fact, or a law. If you had proof for the theory of evolution, there would be no argument. You have not empirically observed speciation, nor has anyone. Ever.  It would be like saying "it can rain" or "the surface of water is flat". With that in mind, there are facts that support creationism that you don't seem to know about, but you're in luck! You are in the right place. 

    Secondly, the whole " you're because you believe in a sky daddy" thing is childish, not to mention completely fallacious and shows a complete lack of critical or rational thought. You're assuming you or anyone else knows it all.

    Thirdly, if you're just here to call everyone who disagrees with you and close your mind off to anything other than your religious beliefs that you read in new books of mythology, this is not the place for you. I have empirical evidence of intelligent design for you, if you are genuine, but the nonsensical insults are counterproductive, and any serious adult will not waste their time with the insults. If you're looking for a circle jerk where you can pat other atheists on the back for their ignorance, you may find a group somewhere on reddit. If you're willing to unbiasedly examine evidence that contradicts your belief system, then we can continue the conversation.

    "Find me Noah's ark,"

     Somefind me the Garden of Eden,

    In due time. I wouldn't want your head to explode.

    "find me some hardcore evidence that you are right! "

    There you go, maybe you can figure it out. Here is some more.

    See that? That's a fingerprint. Every being has it's own fingerprint and this particular one is on pretty much everything. That's put rather simply, not hard to figure out. 

    "On the other hand, look at the evidence for evolution. "

    We've seen it all, except for speciation, for which there is currently no evidence for.

    "We see evolution in bacteria, evolution in lizards, and this is in a few months."

    Yes, I'll agree that adaptation is plausible, possibly even a fact. This does nothing for the theory of evolution, which must involve speciation.

    "Now, imagine what could happen in millions or billions of years."

    Sure, throwing a billion years at something makes it more plausible /S. Why is it that people believe anything they hear as long as the phrases "scientists say" and "billions of years" are in the statement?

    In a billion years, if we're still here as a species, and have kept honest and accurate results (because we can never observe a billion years), the lizard will still be a lizard, the bacteria will will be a bacteria, and there's no way you can prove otherwise. The lizard will not turn into a bacteria or the other way around.

    "We have also found countless fossils which all point to a genetic change in organisms being the reason they have changed over time, and how we got to this point in time."

    This is an assertion. Give me one example.

    " We have geologic evidence that shows the true age of the earth, not just what your fantasy book claims." 

    This is what you are told, no doubt, it's what we were all told. Are you going to believe words in books, written by men, as do any religious member of a religious cult? Do you have something empirical to offer as evidence? I do, and it proves you are wrong.
    Pseudoscience: noun; a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

    Scientific method: noun; a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

    The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

    Wayne Dyer
  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    Erfisflat said:
    "What makes you is the belief that sky-daddy, despite a huge amount of proof in the opposite direction, created everything and how an old mythology book's word should be taken over the research of hundreds upon hundreds of scientists who have worked hard to try and piece together how we came to be with actual evidence."

    First of all, in the scientific method, there is no such thing as "proof" for a theory. There is evidence for a theory, but if there were proof, it would be a fact, or a law. If you had proof for the theory of evolution, there would be no argument. You have not empirically observed speciation, nor has anyone. Ever.  It would be like saying "it can rain" or "the surface of water is flat". With that in mind, there are facts that support creationism that you don't seem to know about, but you're in luck! You are in the right place. 

    @Arguer :

    Secondly, the whole " you're because you believe in a sky daddy" thing is childish, not to mention completely fallacious and shows a complete lack of critical or rational thought. You're assuming you or anyone else knows it all.

    @Arguer: No, but I know just enough to realize that religion is not a true explanation of anything.

    Thirdly, if you're just here to call everyone who disagrees with you and close your mind off to anything other than your religious beliefs that you read in new books of mythology, this is not the place for you. I have empirical evidence of intelligent design for you, if you are genuine, but the nonsensical insults are counterproductive, and any serious adult will not waste their time with the insults. If you're looking for a circle jerk where you can pat other atheists on the back for their ignorance, you may find a group somewhere on reddit. If you're willing to unbiasedly examine evidence that contradicts your belief system, then we can continue the conversation.

    @Arguer: Let's look. I am opening my mind to Jesus...
    Also, atheism is not a religious belief. It is a lack of religious belief. I don't pray to Darwin every night that he may evolve us to live longer.

    "Find me Noah's ark,"


    Find me the Garden of Eden, 

     In due time. I wouldn't want your head to explode.

    Next argument show me how the moon landing was faked.

    There you go, maybe you can figure it out. Here is some more.

    See that? That's a fingerprint. Every being has it's own fingerprint and this particular one is on pretty much everything. That's put rather simply, not hard to figure out. 

    @Arguer: Oh, so because nature is beautiful and seemingly complex, it means it couldn't have come to be by natural means. Wow. Nautilus Shell. Hardcore evidence, people! God and Jesus are real because nature looks organized. It's not like humanity created math based on the natural world's laws or anything.

    "On the other hand, look at the evidence for evolution. " 

    We've seen it all, except for speciation, for which there is currently no evidence for.

    Another example of you making false claims. I'm pretty sure if we have seen and accurately recorded this in the last century, it's evidence.

    "We see evolution in bacteria, evolution in lizards, and this is in a few months."

    Yes, I'll agree that adaptation is plausible, possibly even a fact. This does nothing for the theory of evolution, which must involve speciation.

    "Now, imagine what could happen in millions or billions of years."

    Sure, throwing a billion years at something makes it more plausible /S. Why is it that people believe anything they hear as long as the phrases "scientists say" and "billions of years" are in the statement?

    @Arguer: In those instances, he is referencing to the age of ancient things, such as eras of life, the age of Earth, the age of the universe, or he is referencing a massive number of things, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. What, did you expect he would say there are only 6,000 stars in the universe? Yeah, big numbers, I know.

    In a billion years, if we're still here as a species, and have kept honest and accurate results (because we can never observe a billion years), the lizard will still be a lizard, the bacteria will will be a bacteria, and there's no way you can prove otherwise. The lizard will not turn into a bacteria or the other way around.

    @Arguer: I think I've given more than enough evidence to show that a good number of species would have changed by then, especially considering it has happened in the past and we've seen it happen today. Now, no one can predict how, but it will likely happen unless life is wiped out in the next billion.

    "We have also found countless fossils which all point to a genetic change in organisms being the reason they have changed over time, and how we got to this point in time."

    This is an assertion. Give me one example.

    Hmmm... Looks like your "evidence" doesn't hold much ground.

    " We have geologic evidence that shows the true age of the earth, not just what your fantasy book claims." 

    This is what you are told, no doubt, it's what we were all told. Are you going to believe words in books, written by men, as do any religious member of a religious cult? Do you have something empirical to offer as evidence? I do, and it proves you are wrong.

    @Arguer: No, your evidence is just a bunch of false assertions that I just debunked. If evolution was just a story made up to explain how we got here, I would be skeptical. However, because evolution has been witnessed by man many times, and has been proven in the lab. Now, find me the last time a miracle happened since "Jesus" showed up. 
    Looking forward to continuing this debate! I do apologize for coming across as rude. With that said, prove me wrong.

  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    Erfisflat said:
    "What makes you is the belief that sky-daddy, despite a huge amount of proof in the opposite direction, created everything and how an old mythology book's word should be taken over the research of hundreds upon hundreds of scientists who have worked hard to try and piece together how we came to be with actual evidence."

    First of all, in the scientific method, there is no such thing as "proof" for a theory. There is evidence for a theory, but if there were proof, it would be a fact, or a law. If you had proof for the theory of evolution, there would be no argument. You have not empirically observed speciation, nor has anyone. Ever.  It would be like saying "it can rain" or "the surface of water is flat". With that in mind, there are facts that support creationism that you don't seem to know about, but you're in luck! You are in the right place. 

    @Arguer :

    Secondly, the whole " you're because you believe in a sky daddy" thing is childish, not to mention completely fallacious and shows a complete lack of critical or rational thought. You're assuming you or anyone else knows it all.

    @Arguer: No, but I know just enough to realize that religion is not a true explanation of anything.

    Thirdly, if you're just here to call everyone who disagrees with you and close your mind off to anything other than your religious beliefs that you read in new books of mythology, this is not the place for you. I have empirical evidence of intelligent design for you, if you are genuine, but the nonsensical insults are counterproductive, and any serious adult will not waste their time with the insults. If you're looking for a circle jerk where you can pat other atheists on the back for their ignorance, you may find a group somewhere on reddit. If you're willing to unbiasedly examine evidence that contradicts your belief system, then we can continue the conversation.

    @Arguer: Let's look. I am opening my mind to Jesus...
    Also, atheism is not a religious belief. It is a lack of religious belief. I don't pray to Darwin every night that he may evolve us to live longer.

    "Find me Noah's ark,"


    Find me the Garden of Eden, 

     In due time. I wouldn't want your head to explode.

    Next argument show me how the moon landing was faked.

    There you go, maybe you can figure it out. Here is some more.

    See that? That's a fingerprint. Every being has it's own fingerprint and this particular one is on pretty much everything. That's put rather simply, not hard to figure out. 

    @Arguer: Oh, so because nature is beautiful and seemingly complex, it means it couldn't have come to be by natural means. Wow. Nautilus Shell. Hardcore evidence, people! God and Jesus are real because nature looks organized. It's not like humanity created math based on the natural world's laws or anything.

    "On the other hand, look at the evidence for evolution. " 

    We've seen it all, except for speciation, for which there is currently no evidence for.

    Another example of you making false claims. I'm pretty sure if we have seen and accurately recorded this in the last century, it's evidence.

    "We see evolution in bacteria, evolution in lizards, and this is in a few months."

    Yes, I'll agree that adaptation is plausible, possibly even a fact. This does nothing for the theory of evolution, which must involve speciation.

    "Now, imagine what could happen in millions or billions of years."

    Sure, throwing a billion years at something makes it more plausible /S. Why is it that people believe anything they hear as long as the phrases "scientists say" and "billions of years" are in the statement?

    @Arguer: In those instances, he is referencing to the age of ancient things, such as eras of life, the age of Earth, the age of the universe, or he is referencing a massive number of things, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. What, did you expect he would say there are only 6,000 stars in the universe? Yeah, big numbers, I know.

    In a billion years, if we're still here as a species, and have kept honest and accurate results (because we can never observe a billion years), the lizard will still be a lizard, the bacteria will will be a bacteria, and there's no way you can prove otherwise. The lizard will not turn into a bacteria or the other way around.

    @Arguer: I think I've given more than enough evidence to show that a good number of species would have changed by then, especially considering it has happened in the past and we've seen it happen today. Now, no one can predict how, but it will likely happen unless life is wiped out in the next billion.

    "We have also found countless fossils which all point to a genetic change in organisms being the reason they have changed over time, and how we got to this point in time."

    This is an assertion. Give me one example.

    Hmmm... Looks like your "evidence" doesn't hold much ground.

    " We have geologic evidence that shows the true age of the earth, not just what your fantasy book claims." 

    This is what you are told, no doubt, it's what we were all told. Are you going to believe words in books, written by men, as do any religious member of a religious cult? Do you have something empirical to offer as evidence? I do, and it proves you are wrong.

    @Arguer: No, your evidence is just a bunch of false assertions that I just debunked. If evolution was just a story made up to explain how we got here, I would be skeptical. However, because evolution has been witnessed by man many times, and has been proven in the lab. Now, find me the last time a miracle happened since "Jesus" showed up. 
    Looking forward to continuing this debate! I do apologize for coming across as rude. With that said, prove me wrong.

  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Arguer said:
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    No entity or being created humanity. We are the product of evolution, a scientifically-proven process that changes organisms over time. If you want actual proof of this, of which there is an abundance, here you go:

    Evidence - The first one is: "What bacteria can tell us about human evolution"? Are you serious? Has any Evo-scientist observed a bacteria turning into anything other than a bacteria, let alone turn into a human, .. LOL.

    @Arguer ; -Me: No, that's not how evolution works! We haven't seen a bacteria turn into a new creature because it takes an extremely long time for such an occurrence to happen. I find the fact that we see evolution in bacteria amazing in itself and evidence in itself of evolution, but next comes paleontology and the fossil record, which shows how organisms have changed over the last billion years. Here, if you want some more exciting evolutionary evidence, here you go:  
    National Geographic - In just a few decades the 5-inch-long (13-centimeter-long) lizards have developed a completely new gut structure, larger heads, and a harder bite, researchers say.

    Ah yes, my Old Country I'm from; Croatia where lizards change into big gutted lizards with a harder bite. Food is scares now everywhere in Europe, so the lizards developed a harder bite because of fighting over food, and bigger guts because they have to gorge themselves while there is food in order to survive. I bet if they checked the people there, they too developed the same traits, I'm serious, times are really tough over there.
    Show me speciation, not lizards trying to adapt to famine.

    Evidence -From paleontology? They mean Peleoartist's no? All Paleontologists do is dig up graves and steal peoples loved one's skull and bones, and only God knows what they do with it. I heard they drink blood out of the skulls, who knows what Satanist do with all them skull & bones they rob from graves? But now Peleoartist, that I can see because they're the ones who actually do the speciating. From skulls to the New Species!

    Me: Yes, skulls to new species! People have been able to learn a lot from even a few bones. That is a recreation based on multiple factors, and is likely very accurate.

    The only bones my Countrymen learn from is how it tastes after you make good soup out of it. You can't be serious in trying to prove speciation by showing us bones are you? I could line up a rock, a dried up cockroach, and a stick and make all kinds of evolution stories out of them. Again, you can't be serious in trying to prove evolution/speciation from dug up skull and bones? That's spooky!

    Me: You realize that not all GMOs are bad, right, and that the ones that "give you cancer" are simply engineered to look good so they can sell more? The people who sell the "bad GMOs" don't really care about the consequences, they just want the produce to look good to make a good buck. Also, GMOs extend past plants, and they, for the most part, work. It isn't just toying with some science we don't understand. I don't know if you're little creationist brain can process this stuff, so I'm trying to simplify it for you.

    Ah yes, that's simple enough for me, I know all about GMO's and how TPTB want to provide us human apes with the best foods possible, .. al because they really care about us! here my friend, here is some more GMO's for you:

    This is what GMO's is really about, destroying Gods creation by one fruit, one crop and one child at a time. Like teaching our children that God didn't know what He was doing, so Evolutionists who observe dug up scull and bones know better and feel the need to do a lot of GMO-modifying. Can your Evolutionist big head comprehend that?

    Evidence - Zoology? You heard of Ota Benga and the "Human Zoo Experiments" These guys can't even tell the difference between an gorilla and a human. They should all be arrested.

    Me: Zoology is an accurate science that shows a correct classification of animals. How else do you differentiate species? Yeah, about Ota Benga, humans do terrible things to each other, including blowing each other up with incredibly dangerous weapons. I wouldn't say putting a human in a zoo is the worst thing we've done. If you're trying to take a blow at the scientific subject by talking about the "human zoo experiment," know that humans A: are a species of animal ourselves; and B. These people did agree to participate in the experiment. Ota Benga, on the other hand, was a kidnapped slave, and was simply put in the zoo because of being a black African tribesman. A subject of racism, not that science is an evil subject created by satanists. That has nothing to do with the fact that zoology is an accurate science. I'm sure that according to you a monkey from South America and a baboon in Africa are the same thing anyway.

    Maybe I can't tell the difference between a chlorocebus sabaeus  and a Cercopithecus kandti, but at least I can tell the difference between a human and a gorilla. Yes, those poor African tribes agreed, .. not much you can do to disagree when your neck and feet are in chains until you arrive in a land completely foreign, and millions of white people are staring and laughing at you. But like you said, they were considered animal species, and I know first hand what it is to be treated as an animal.
    Zoology is accurate up to the time they get into scattered bone fragments, then they have a Peleoartist depiction what that piece of bone looked like billions of years ago.

    Me: What if I told you we found the ancient ancestor you speak of? We did. It's a microscopic organism known as a cell. It is the common ancestor of all species found on Earth today.

    So we should have no problem ripping a heart out of a chimp and transplanting it into a human, right? Or us going to the Vet for surgeries. Get real, God created the animals different than the humans, same source, same Creator, different in many ways from animals, I'm surprised you haven't noticed?. May God help us when you convince more people on Evolution and make them actually believe that everyone is just an animal. I could actually see humans on racks butchered like pigs and fed to other human-animals.
    Never mind, that's already happening with the Hollywood Trannie Stars, or gods and goddesses, little Baphomets eating live humans at those secret parties. Have you seen the movie Hostel?

     Me: Over time, as in billions of years, that organism changed, became more advanced, diversified, and eventually resulted in the 5 classes of life we know of today, and continued to change to compete with each other and survive the changing climate. I know it might be easier for your simple mind to believe in just one of the many sky-daddies that were created by man over its relatively short existence, and it might be easier to understand that magic sky-daddy who defies all logic made all we know in 6 days, but it doesn't mean its correct.

    Have you seen ANY creation of man that took millions and billions of years creating, .. huh? And knowing that we were created in Gods image, it's not hard to imagine God creating the world in 6 days, His days, which is not according to our solar days. God does not work 'on the clock', day one is when he is done with a project, .. He calls it a day.

    What "survive the changing climate" are you talking about? the gorilla, the chimp, the orangutan and the human are all living in the same tectonic plate, same environment, eating the same food, breathing the same air, what would change a monkey, or a gorilla into a human? You guys are delusional, it comes from drinking from them skulls you guys dig up from the graves, .. yuck!
    I'm still waiting for evidence from you or anyone on evolution, specifically speciation. But all we get is skull and bones and some fantastic stories of millions and billions of years ago.

    - Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination.
    Me: No, just no. That battle is losing everywhere, except in some of the public imagination.

    Really, only some? come and I'll show you this grocery store with a clear big sign on the door saying: "Absolutely No Animals Allowed In Store!" and according to you, the Only animal that can read that is you human animals, and Not One of you adhere to the sign. Never has any of you human animals obeyed these signs over the 150 years you guys been preaching this garbage. Nor have I ever seen the 'majority' of people as you suggest, going to, or taking their children to a veterinarian for health care, even for emergencies, instead you wait half a day at the human hospital that Does Not Accept animals, .. isn't that funny? So your claims are all false, just as your Religion is.

    Evidence- May I suggest increasing the fluoride in their water, and heavier chem-trailing? I mean my God, you guys have done just about everything to brainwash us, almost every show there is the Globe, and as soon as an animal come on a TV show, it's all about how they evolved their feet, their teeth over the millions and billions years

    Me: Yeah, that is because they want to kill bacteria in the water we drink, even if it isn't the best way to do so. People put chemicals into everything, and it has nothing to do with brainwashing.

    You know very well that you don't call "TV Programming" for nothing. Besides, why would you want to kill our ancestors the bacteria, huh? Is that why everyone except Evolutionist is on the extermination list, to kill us all like your killing our ancestors? You know well that you don't consider yourself an animal, just as I've shown above. All this is to give you the right to exterminate 6.5, well now it's 7 billion of us, just like your Georgia Guide Stones spells out.

    Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

    Me: Why? It's because a good number of people out there are so biased to believe that there is an afterlife, humans are special, and their cherished god is real.

    So you don't think humans are special? My God, so you still don't see any difference between apes and humans? I thought you Evolutionists got over that discrimination thing, you know the shameful Ota Benga and the Human Zoo exabit thing!? But I guess not?

    Evidence - Why would ANYONE need to be persuaded by that? It is a flawed and poorly supported fantasy, even an infant can tell the difference between animals and humans. 2.5 billion years of evolving and they can't even find One, just one living common ancestor that gave rise to 8 million living species. What have they been doing, looking in the blood of other animals maybe they are hiding in their genes?

    Me: Yeah, a wolf cub can differentiate between its own kind and other species. That's basic instinct to recognize your own species above other species.

    Not so:

    and here;

    Evidence - Now why would Neanderthals live in dark cave when their cousins are right outside living in the fresh air, under some nice bushes!? What, for protection? I thought they had bigger brains than the gorillas, and all them other monkeys? Besides their common ancestors have all disappeared.
    And this supposed to convince us of Evolution? Wow, they are desperate.
    Wait a minute, where was this picture taken, what country? Because my older brothers used to go into caves and paint primitive looking pictures and leave some old broken pottery, and when the paleontologist came around, they would lead them into the caves and get some money for it. There should be a bunch of urine stains mixed in with the painting, they did that to give it that rustic look. I am being serious.

    Me: You really are . People lived in caves because they were good shelter. I know that it seems nice to live in your little home and go outside to get some fresh air, but humans and their relatives back then didn't have air conditioning or the change enjoy nature or the pleasures of fresh air because they were too busy fighting deadly predators and gathering food. They focused on survival, not comfort. 

    So where are all the apes taking shelter in caves today? It's been 2.5 billion years of all them animals watching human apes take shelter, and not one following in their footsteps, why? I mean we should have all the bunnies, antelopes, zebras, wildebeests and all the other herbivores packed in caves every night, don't they want to survive? Didn't they watch the human ape survive all them millions of years? I mean Ravens can learn how to fish, couldn't your cousin's get the message that it's safer in the caves, you know, survival, not comfort!?

    Next we have: This Amazing Video Shows Bacteria Evolving in Just 10 Days
    Evidence - Wow, .. from bacteria to, .. umm, .. what are those, .. little lizards? No, it looks like a flee-circus! Hey buddy Erfisflat, what do you make out of that, a flee circus right? In only 10 days too!

    Me: The point is that evolution in bacteria happens all the time, and that it is another piece of evidence that evolution is how we ended up here today, not Mary Sue in the sky. 

    I didn't see ANY evolution in anything you, or the hundreds of Evolutionists that I debated over the 20 years shown, not one. You keep showing changes over time. We all have to change some when we move one continent to another, yet no animal or human ever speciated into another species over the past 6,000 years for us Creationists, and nothing recorded over the millions and billions of years from you Evolutionists?
    Why not just give up this silly Religion, it even sounds ridiculous, especially claiming it as science. Aren't you Big Bangers and Evolutionist tired of wearing the tin-foil hat?

    You know what, I have a suggestion, why not keep your Religion, just don't call it science, and hey, we wouldn't mind so much since we have religious freedom in this country, and you have the right to your Religious ideologies and beliefs. If you say you will one day get on a passing meteor, or move to planet Kolob, or the imaginary god-planet Mars, so be it. As commander Spock would say: "Live Long and Prosper".

    Evidence to Erfisflat - Ah, never mind buddy, this is what evolution they're talking about:
    Researchers have filmed E. coli growing in a giant petri dish laced with antibiotics to show just how easy it is for bacteria become antibiotic resistant.

    Me: That's what evolution is about. Survival. By becoming immune to antibiotics, they are going through evolution to help them survive. The ones that don't build an immunity die.

    Wow, you Evolutionists are really Satanists, not do you only dig up graves and rob skull and bones, but to try to prove your Religious beliefs, you have created bacteria that is immune to antibiotics! Now the government should really keep on eye on you guys before you release some deadly virus that nothing could kill. This is far worse than Marshal Applewhite's Heavens Gate cult, or Jim Jones, or Wako! You guys are planning to wipe out all life on earth! yet I don't see either the FBI, or the CIA, or ISIS, or even Oprah trying to stop you? That is scary!
    The only One keeping us alive from you guys is our Lord jesus Christ through His Father. I pray he comes soon!?
  • ArguerArguer 24 Pts   -  
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    Evidence said:
    Arguer said:
    No entity or being created humanity. We are the product of evolution, a scientifically-proven process that changes organisms over time. If you want actual proof of this, of which there is an abundance, here you go:

    Evidence - The first one is: "What bacteria can tell us about human evolution"? Are you serious? Has any Evo-scientist observed a bacteria turning into anything other than a bacteria, let alone turn into a human, .. LOL.

    @Arguer ; -Me: No, that's not how evolution works! We haven't seen a bacteria turn into a new creature because it takes an extremely long time for such an occurrence to happen. I find the fact that we see evolution in bacteria amazing in itself and evidence in itself of evolution, but next comes paleontology and the fossil record, which shows how organisms have changed over the last billion years. Here, if you want some more exciting evolutionary evidence, here you go:  
    National Geographic - In just a few decades the 5-inch-long (13-centimeter-long) lizards have developed a completely new gut structure, larger heads, and a harder bite, researchers say.

    Ah yes, my Old Country I'm from; Croatia where lizards change into big gutted lizards with a harder bite. Food is scares now everywhere in Europe, so the lizards developed a harder bite because of fighting over food, and bigger guts because they have to gorge themselves while there is food in order to survive. I bet if they checked the people there, they too developed the same traits, I'm serious, times are really tough over there.
    Show me speciation, not lizards trying to adapt to famine.

    Evidence -From paleontology? They mean Peleoartist's no? All Paleontologists do is dig up graves and steal peoples loved one's skull and bones, and only God knows what they do with it. I heard they drink blood out of the skulls, who knows what Satanist do with all them skull & bones they rob from graves? But now Peleoartist, that I can see because they're the ones who actually do the speciating. From skulls to the New Species!

    Me: Yes, skulls to new species! People have been able to learn a lot from even a few bones. That is a recreation based on multiple factors, and is likely very accurate.

    The only bones my Countrymen learn from is how it tastes after you make good soup out of it. You can't be serious in trying to prove speciation by showing us bones are you? I could line up a rock, a dried up cockroach, and a stick and make all kinds of evolution stories out of them. Again, you can't be serious in trying to prove evolution/speciation from dug up skull and bones? That's spooky!

    Me: You realize that not all GMOs are bad, right, and that the ones that "give you cancer" are simply engineered to look good so they can sell more? The people who sell the "bad GMOs" don't really care about the consequences, they just want the produce to look good to make a good buck. Also, GMOs extend past plants, and they, for the most part, work. It isn't just toying with some science we don't understand. I don't know if you're little creationist brain can process this stuff, so I'm trying to simplify it for you.

    Ah yes, that's simple enough for me, I know all about GMO's and how TPTB want to provide us human apes with the best foods possible, .. al because they really care about us! here my friend, here is some more GMO's for you:

    This is what GMO's is really about, destroying Gods creation by one fruit, one crop and one child at a time. Like teaching our children that God didn't know what He was doing, so Evolutionists who observe dug up scull and bones know better and feel the need to do a lot of GMO-modifying. Can your Evolutionist big head comprehend that?

    Evidence - Zoology? You heard of Ota Benga and the "Human Zoo Experiments" These guys can't even tell the difference between an gorilla and a human. They should all be arrested.

    Me: Zoology is an accurate science that shows a correct classification of animals. How else do you differentiate species? Yeah, about Ota Benga, humans do terrible things to each other, including blowing each other up with incredibly dangerous weapons. I wouldn't say putting a human in a zoo is the worst thing we've done. If you're trying to take a blow at the scientific subject by talking about the "human zoo experiment," know that humans A: are a species of animal ourselves; and B. These people did agree to participate in the experiment. Ota Benga, on the other hand, was a kidnapped slave, and was simply put in the zoo because of being a black African tribesman. A subject of racism, not that science is an evil subject created by satanists. That has nothing to do with the fact that zoology is an accurate science. I'm sure that according to you a monkey from South America and a baboon in Africa are the same thing anyway.

    Maybe I can't tell the difference between a chlorocebus sabaeus  and a Cercopithecus kandti, but at least I can tell the difference between a human and a gorilla. Yes, those poor African tribes agreed, .. not much you can do to disagree when your neck and feet are in chains until you arrive in a land completely foreign, and millions of white people are staring and laughing at you. But like you said, they were considered animal species, and I know first hand what it is to be treated as an animal.
    Zoology is accurate up to the time they get into scattered bone fragments, then they have a Peleoartist depiction what that piece of bone looked like billions of years ago.

    Me: What if I told you we found the ancient ancestor you speak of? We did. It's a microscopic organism known as a cell. It is the common ancestor of all species found on Earth today.

    So we should have no problem ripping a heart out of a chimp and transplanting it into a human, right? Or us going to the Vet for surgeries. Get real, God created the animals different than the humans, same source, same Creator, different in many ways from animals, I'm surprised you haven't noticed?. May God help us when you convince more people on Evolution and make them actually believe that everyone is just an animal. I could actually see humans on racks butchered like pigs and fed to other human-animals.
    Never mind, that's already happening with the Hollywood Trannie Stars, or gods and goddesses, little Baphomets eating live humans at those secret parties. Have you seen the movie Hostel?

     Me: Over time, as in billions of years, that organism changed, became more advanced, diversified, and eventually resulted in the 5 classes of life we know of today, and continued to change to compete with each other and survive the changing climate. I know it might be easier for your simple mind to believe in just one of the many sky-daddies that were created by man over its relatively short existence, and it might be easier to understand that magic sky-daddy who defies all logic made all we know in 6 days, but it doesn't mean its correct.

    Have you seen ANY creation of man that took millions and billions of years creating, .. huh? And knowing that we were created in Gods image, it's not hard to imagine God creating the world in 6 days, His days, which is not according to our solar days. God does not work 'on the clock', day one is when he is done with a project, .. He calls it a day.

    What "survive the changing climate" are you talking about? the gorilla, the chimp, the orangutan and the human are all living in the same tectonic plate, same environment, eating the same food, breathing the same air, what would change a monkey, or a gorilla into a human? You guys are delusional, it comes from drinking from them skulls you guys dig up from the graves, .. yuck!
    I'm still waiting for evidence from you or anyone on evolution, specifically speciation. But all we get is skull and bones and some fantastic stories of millions and billions of years ago.

    - Today that battle has been won everywhere—except in the public imagination.
    Me: No, just no. That battle is losing everywhere, except in some of the public imagination.

    Really, only some? come and I'll show you this grocery store with a clear big sign on the door saying: "Absolutely No Animals Allowed In Store!" and according to you, the Only animal that can read that is you human animals, and Not One of you adhere to the sign. Never has any of you human animals obeyed these signs over the 150 years you guys been preaching this garbage. Nor have I ever seen the 'majority' of people as you suggest, going to, or taking their children to a veterinarian for health care, even for emergencies, instead you wait half a day at the human hospital that Does Not Accept animals, .. isn't that funny? So your claims are all false, just as your Religion is.

    Evidence- May I suggest increasing the fluoride in their water, and heavier chem-trailing? I mean my God, you guys have done just about everything to brainwash us, almost every show there is the Globe, and as soon as an animal come on a TV show, it's all about how they evolved their feet, their teeth over the millions and billions years

    Me: Yeah, that is because they want to kill bacteria in the water we drink, even if it isn't the best way to do so. People put chemicals into everything, and it has nothing to do with brainwashing.

    You know very well that you don't call "TV Programming" for nothing. Besides, why would you want to kill our ancestors the bacteria, huh? Is that why everyone except Evolutionist is on the extermination list, to kill us all like your killing our ancestors? You know well that you don't consider yourself an animal, just as I've shown above. All this is to give you the right to exterminate 6.5, well now it's 7 billion of us, just like your Georgia Guide Stones spells out.

    Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy.

    Me: Why? It's because a good number of people out there are so biased to believe that there is an afterlife, humans are special, and their cherished god is real.

    So you don't think humans are special? My God, so you still don't see any difference between apes and humans? I thought you Evolutionists got over that discrimination thing, you know the shameful Ota Benga and the Human Zoo exabit thing!? But I guess not?

    Evidence - Why would ANYONE need to be persuaded by that? It is a flawed and poorly supported fantasy, even an infant can tell the difference between animals and humans. 2.5 billion years of evolving and they can't even find One, just one living common ancestor that gave rise to 8 million living species. What have they been doing, looking in the blood of other animals maybe they are hiding in their genes?

    Me: Yeah, a wolf cub can differentiate between its own kind and other species. That's basic instinct to recognize your own species above other species.

    Not so:

    and here;

    Evidence - Now why would Neanderthals live in dark cave when their cousins are right outside living in the fresh air, under some nice bushes!? What, for protection? I thought they had bigger brains than the gorillas, and all them other monkeys? Besides their common ancestors have all disappeared.
    And this supposed to convince us of Evolution? Wow, they are desperate.
    Wait a minute, where was this picture taken, what country? Because my older brothers used to go into caves and paint primitive looking pictures and leave some old broken pottery, and when the paleontologist came around, they would lead them into the caves and get some money for it. There should be a bunch of urine stains mixed in with the painting, they did that to give it that rustic look. I am being serious.

    Me: You really are . People lived in caves because they were good shelter. I know that it seems nice to live in your little home and go outside to get some fresh air, but humans and their relatives back then didn't have air conditioning or the change enjoy nature or the pleasures of fresh air because they were too busy fighting deadly predators and gathering food. They focused on survival, not comfort. 

    So where are all the apes taking shelter in caves today? It's been 2.5 billion years of all them animals watching human apes take shelter, and not one following in their footsteps, why? I mean we should have all the bunnies, antelopes, zebras, wildebeests and all the other herbivores packed in caves every night, don't they want to survive? Didn't they watch the human ape survive all them millions of years? I mean Ravens can learn how to fish, couldn't your cousin's get the message that it's safer in the caves, you know, survival, not comfort!?

    Next we have: This Amazing Video Shows Bacteria Evolving in Just 10 Days
    Evidence - Wow, .. from bacteria to, .. umm, .. what are those, .. little lizards? No, it looks like a flee-circus! Hey buddy Erfisflat, what do you make out of that, a flee circus right? In only 10 days too!

    Me: The point is that evolution in bacteria happens all the time, and that it is another piece of evidence that evolution is how we ended up here today, not Mary Sue in the sky. 

    I didn't see ANY evolution in anything you, or the hundreds of Evolutionists that I debated over the 20 years shown, not one. You keep showing changes over time. We all have to change some when we move one continent to another, yet no animal or human ever speciated into another species over the past 6,000 years for us Creationists, and nothing recorded over the millions and billions of years from you Evolutionists?
    Why not just give up this silly Religion, it even sounds ridiculous, especially claiming it as science. Aren't you Big Bangers and Evolutionist tired of wearing the tin-foil hat?

    You know what, I have a suggestion, why not keep your Religion, just don't call it science, and hey, we wouldn't mind so much since we have religious freedom in this country, and you have the right to your Religious ideologies and beliefs. If you say you will one day get on a passing meteor, or move to planet Kolob, or the imaginary god-planet Mars, so be it. As commander Spock would say: "Live Long and Prosper".

    Evidence to Erfisflat - Ah, never mind buddy, this is what evolution they're talking about:
    Researchers have filmed E. coli growing in a giant petri dish laced with antibiotics to show just how easy it is for bacteria become antibiotic resistant.

    Me: That's what evolution is about. Survival. By becoming immune to antibiotics, they are going through evolution to help them survive. The ones that don't build an immunity die.

    Wow, you Evolutionists are really Satanists, not do you only dig up graves and rob skull and bones, but to try to prove your Religious beliefs, you have created bacteria that is immune to antibiotics! Now the government should really keep on eye on you guys before you release some deadly virus that nothing could kill. This is far worse than Marshal Applewhite's Heavens Gate cult, or Jim Jones, or Wako! You guys are planning to wipe out all life on earth! yet I don't see either the FBI, or the CIA, or ISIS, or even Oprah trying to stop you? That is scary!
    The only One keeping us alive from you guys is our Lord jesus Christ through His Father. I pray he comes soon!?
    Funny thing is that Judaism isn't even the first religion to ever exist. If it was, that would be strong evidence that God was real. You would rather believe that a magic sky daddy who conveniently needs no explanation created everything, and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old despite a huge amount of evidence pointing in the other direction? You would rather pretend that as long as you believe in sky-daddy, there will be an afterlife, and that anyone who disagrees with you will burn in a lake of fire despite the utter ridiculousness of it? Wow. I guess debating is pointless if all you're going to accuse your opponent of is being a satanist because he doesn't agree with you. Also, mammals, especially intelligent ones, will recognize their own kind. The videos you show are of a species of very dumb bird that immediately imprinted on someone due to them not being a threat and having a lack of a mother. The lion you showed actually goes against your assertions, as the lion did know it wasn't her species, but regardless, due to her isolation, needed an emotional support animal in a sense. At least, that's what the guy says if you watch the video. He's probably just a satanist, though. Your assertions of brainwashing are . We are killing bacteria in the water because they are likely dangerous to humans. I went swimming in the pool the other day, and I still don't feel like worshipping Satan at all. I'm just going to stop debating you, because no matter what I say, you're just going to assume science and medicine is all controlled by Satan, and everyone who isn't a born-again and is fond of technology and science is a devil worshipper. 

  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -  
    Erfisflat said:
    It's amazing how the mere act of believing in evolution and the big everything from nothing explosion can jack your IQ up so high! @evidence we'd better take note and jump on that bandwagon if we ever want to be accepted as anything but small minded creationists!
    I hear you buddy @Erfisflat .. and it was fun while it lasted, right? We both loved sci-fi, but:

    When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
  • George_HorseGeorge_Horse 499 Pts   -  
    If one is to make such a claim, the burden of proof is on the claimant, though there is little evidence to support the existence of a god.
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? " ~Epicurus

    "A communist is like a crocodile" ~Winston Churchill

    We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.~Orson Welles
  • EvidenceEvidence 814 Pts   -
    @Arguer said; Funny thing is that Judaism isn't even the first religion to ever exist. If it was, that would be strong evidence that God was real.

    I believe the first real Organized Religion began with the building of the Tower of Babel, .. before that, there was no need for Religion, Gods presence in the hearts and minds of men were still fresh, for both the good and the evil. That was the purpose of the Tower, to reach God, and maybe, with the already demented logic of men, to somehow overthrow God. I mean it would be senseless to build a tower to "reach Heaven" if they didn't believe God existed.
       I don't think you understand todays Judaism, even though I shown you videos what and how Jews think (if you could even call them Jews?), and what is really going on in Israel, the Transgender Capital of the World. And sadly other Countries are competing for that 'number One' spot.

    Arguer said: You would rather believe that a magic sky daddy who conveniently needs no explanation created everything, and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old despite a huge amount of evidence pointing in the other direction?

    Yes, there is a lot 'pointing in the other direction', especially with the One World agenda. I mean you do see that One World Order being preached by your World Leaders, who are all Trans gender, opposites, men are women and visa versa and from historical evidence it looks like it's been like this for a long time, and finally the time has arrived! here is just the tip of a 6,000 year long Iceberg

    Science is dead as far as humanity is concerned, the only real science is used to weaponize the N.W. Army, track, and control every human on the face of the earth, and men are breaking down doors to oblige. Here is thousands of people waiting for the New I-phone six, some there days before. Is this normal? Are we being MK-Ultra mind controlled? How could anyone say we're not?

    Related image

    Image result for pic of 5G towers

    Related image

    Image result for pic of 5G towers

     I didn't think much about this "quantum Computing" but from what we're seeing, it looks like man has finally opened a portal (not like they want us to believe; to another universe, to some aliens from outer space).. but to the supernatural realm, by turning over their hearts and minds to Satanic possession, where we are actually building our own extinction (I know, I know, there I go again, but please her me out?), what man has done is given Satan total control of their souls. Please look at this short 5 minute video:

    Now please think about this? Who was present at this ceremony, (I didn't see even one black person) and what was the reason for it? We see CERN, the "tunnel", New Age technology, all to give homage to who? Are you going to tell me this has nothing to do with Religion and Satan worship?
    It's a tribute to Lucifer, reminding him of the sacrifice "They", TPTB have made to him, like 9-11 and other human sacrifices going on with abortion, starvation, fake wars that first arm the so-called enemy, then we go in and kill as many innocent men, woman and child as possible. The idea here is to sacrifice as much of the innocent as possible, and cause as much pain and suffering as possible, because Satan and his fallen angels know the suffering that is soon coming upon them. This is also why he has people (like yourself) down playing his plans, and even his existence, and the obvious perversions going on, all the, murders and horrors being committed in his name.

    Arguer - You would rather pretend that as long as you believe in sky-daddy, there will be an afterlife, and that anyone who disagrees with you will burn in a lake of fire despite the utter ridiculousness of it?

    OK, fine. There is no sky-daddy, so how do you explain what is going on? I invite you to come over my house, and I will take you to schools all around here, including my kids High School, where we were sitting on the benches at their football field, between four 5-G cellphone towers loaded with the huge transmitters.

    Arguer - Wow. I guess debating is pointless if all you're going to accuse your opponent of is being a satanist because he doesn't agree with you.

    We call out what we see, or what we understand, you call me a Religionist who believes in an imaginary sky-daddy, right? I call you by what you represent from the knowledge I have, and you defend a fake Globe earth @Erfisflat shown you you're wrong, and you believe the BB-story behind your globe earth explains your existence, which we again keep proving you are very wrong about, by providing you with a plethora of evidence!

    Arguer - Also, mammals, especially intelligent ones, will recognize their own kind. The videos you show are of a species of very dumb bird that immediately imprinted on someone due to them not being a threat and having a lack of a mother. The lion you showed actually goes against your assertions, as the lion did know it wasn't her species, but regardless, due to her isolation, needed an emotional support animal in a sense. At least, that's what the guy says if you watch the video.

    I've shown you before ravens that can fish, both by using bread, and with line and hook. So which ones were "dumb animals"?

    Arguer - He's probably just a satanist, though. Your assertions of brainwashing are .

    I honestly pray that that were true, that what I and other Creationists see going on in the world was just hallucinations of ours. But that would take a lot of denial on our part considering what we actually observe of the world around us!

    Arguer - We are killing bacteria in the water because they are likely dangerous to humans.

    What you deny, or refuse to accept is that Evolutionists see us as animals, evolved from bacteria. So that's why all the extra poison, to kill all of us whom they deem as bacteria, that we are just virus, no longer sustainable by their deluded standards. So in the name of "Sustainable Development", we all must be eradicated.

    Arguer - I went swimming in the pool the other day, and I still don't feel like worshipping Satan at all. I'm just going to stop debating you, because no matter what I say, you're just going to assume science and medicine is all controlled by Satan, and everyone who isn't a born-again and is fond of technology and science is a devil worshipper.

    I did Not Say you were Satan, but as you tag us with what you think I believe, we shown you with empirical evidence what you are obviously defending. But because we show this with evidence, you want to back out instead of debate. If you can prove we are wrong, I know that both Erfisflat and I would accept it.

    What do you think these symbols stand for?

    Image result for pic symbols of the pharmaceutical industry  Related image

    If you're going to stick with your screen name, than stand by it; argue, and prove your arguments by showing evidence, just as we show you!
    It's OK to be wrong, but a real man accepts if he's wrong.
    If you would show us proof of the Globe, or that the BB-Evolution stories explain our existence, I know Erfisflat long enough that we both would gratefully accept it.
    But neither of us will join any religion, I hope I speak for Erfisflat on that idea also!? We both are religious in our beliefs, but not lead by Religious doctrines, meaning we don't belong to any Organized Religion. We are Free-agents, as far as I'm concerned, I follow the Way, the Truth and the Life, we all should, right?
  • JoesephJoeseph 767 Pts   -  
    The definition of the term real is as follows .......

    1. 1. 
      actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
      "Julius Caesar was a real person"
      synonyms:actual, existent, non-fictional, non-fictitious, factual; More
      • 2. 
        (of a thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine.
        "the earring was presumably real gol

      To claim god is real “ requires “ proof to back such a claim up for which there is absolutely zero proof , if one allows that a supernatural entity called god exists a beliver  also has to redefine the term exist to suit their narrative , do believers accept the validity of all supernatural claims or just the god one ? 

      If the the answer is yes , why’s that ? 
    2. Nathaniel_BNathaniel_B 182 Pts   -  
      Didn't expect BOOK PAGE LENGTH arguments. Damn.
      “Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.” ~Peter Drucker 

      "It's not a gun control problem, it's a cultural control problem."
      Bob Barr
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